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Review Criteria for Sal Martino Conscious Inclusion Research Grant

The proposals will be evaluated through a peer-review process that is unbiased, fair, equitable, and timely. The criteria to be used to measure the merit of the proposal follows. 

Theoretical Application
To what extent is the proposal soundly grounded in theory? Does it apply those theoretical underpinnings to association management in novel and potentially impactful ways?

To what extent are the overall strategy, methodology, and analyses well-reasoned and appropriate to accomplish the specific aims of the project? To what extent are potential problems, alternative strategies, and benchmarks for success presented?

To what extent does the project address an important problem in the field of nonprofit and association management research? Specifically, how will the proposed work influence the concepts, methods, technologies, practices, and services that drive the field of association management?

To what extent does the proposed work have the potential for having far-reaching impact and/or appeal to multiple stakeholders in the academic community and the association community? Will the proposed work generate interest, conversation, and action in the academic and the association/nonprofit communities?

To what extent will the proposal shift current research paradigms by utilizing novel theoretical concepts, approaches, or methodologies or refine, improve, or define a new application of existing theoretical concepts, approaches, or methodologies?

Alignment with ASAE Foundation Research mission
To what extent does the proposal address issues of relevance/needs/interest to the field of association management?

Alignment with ASAE Foundation Research Agenda
To what extent does the proposal align with the ASAE Foundation research agenda? Does it expand on current ASAE research? Does it fill a gap in ASAE research?

Organizational Commitment
To what extent is there institutional support and access to other resources to ensure the successful completion of the proposed work? Will the project benefit from unique features of the institution’s resources or collaborative partnerships?

Dissemination Plan
To what extent is the proposed dissemination plan feasible and potentially impactful?

Proposals will also be considered in terms of the extent to which they are thorough, well-written, and present a cohesive description of the concept, research question, and work plan. Proposals should be devoid of grammatical, typographical, and punctuation errors. Incomplete applications will not be reviewed.

Proposal Requirements

Upload a completed application packet to the application form as a Word or PDF file. The application should include: 

  1. Application Cover Page, including
    • name, title, and contact information for the primary investigator
    • name of organization or institution
    • title of proposal
  2. Abstract (not to exceed one page)
  3. Proposal (not to exceed ten pages), including
    • statement of the problem
    • alignment with ASAE mission and research agenda
    • specific aims
    • research design
    • evaluation and analysis
    • expected outcomes
    • dissemination plan
  4. Project Work Plan and Timeline
  5. Bibliography
  6. Budget, including a detailed justification of expenses
  7. Statement of Departmental/Organizational Commitment (not to exceed one page)
  8. Abbreviated Curriculum Vitae (not to exceed three pages)
  9. Appendix (e.g., Letter of Support, glossary of terms, etc.)


  • Indirect costs are not allowable under this award program.
  • Travel funds may only be included if directly related to the research activity.
  • Award recipients will be required to submit an Interim and Final Report, and to present a summary of findings at the ASAE Annual Meeting or other appropriate ASAE-sponsored learning events.